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How to Gain Trust – Simply Four Ways

Trust as a verb means “to believe.” If you believe in something or someone, then you have confidence in them.

To gain trust, we must be believable so that another will have confidence in our ability to keep our word, do our part, and follow through on expectations set. It is what authenticity is all about – consistency of character through all actions and words.

At times, it seems we toss words about, and they lose their meaning or luster. Trust and authenticity may be at the top of this list. In social media, we talk about the importance of authenticity. In business and government, we talk about the principles of trust. We seem to try to make these simple ideas complex.

Trust is active through believing. Trust is maintained when our confidence in someone is consistently realized.

So, how do we gain trust? The answer is straightforward. We gain trust when we:

1-Keep our word. Our words need to mean something. What gives them meaning is how we back them up. It is about keeping promises, yet it is more. It is about doing what we say. It is about living the way we talk.

Keeping our word builds substance to our character.

2-Deliver as expected. Each day, we have responsibilities. When we deliver on them in a timely and complete manner, confidence is gained. Yes, it is about living up to our responsibilities, but it is also about a being solid citizen in our workplace, neighborhood, and community.

Delivering as expected adds depth to our integrity.

3-Follow through on actions requested. People depend on us. Work is a process, and each step involves another person. When someone falls down on their actions, the process is weakened, and results fail to materialize. Following through on what is requested or required strengthens a process and keeps activities flowing forward. Process or not, an action followed through on enhances confidence in our abilities and capabilities.

Following through enables the speed of trust.

4-Trust ourself. This one is foundational. To be trusted, we need to have the confidence of self. It is not about being cocky or going off half-cocked. It is about being fully purposeful in our words and actions, laughing at ourselves when needed and learning on how get better at all times. We need to faith in ourselves, in what we are doing and how we are doing it.

Trusting ourselves empowers our soul.

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